Sunday 24 January 2021

Basidioradulum radula or Radulomyces molaris?

By the path beside the front Spruce department I came across a blackened fallen log and on the underside were a Slime Mould and a Toothed Crust. After thinking of Radulomyces molaris for a while, I went for a little while for the Toothed Crust Fungus, Basidioradulum radula, but eventually returned to Radulomyces molaris.

I think that I have seen some older fairly decrepit specimens of this same fungus in different places in Dene Park, suggesting that is fairly well established in the woodland. My only concern at the moment is that Basidioradulum is supposed to be found mainly on attached branches of deciduous trees according to Laessoe and Petersen - and I think I mainly see it on the ground! Maybe I just haven't seen the fresh stuff! 

Here is today's photograph, the second one a closer view:

see how the teeth have changed direction - was the log moved?

Further up the log was some possibly Badhamia utricularis, (or not) a myxomycete that feeds on fungi, possibly feeding off this Radulomyces molaris or Basidioradulum radula.

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