Saturday 9 January 2021

Up to Clearhedges and Byssomerulius corium

Walked up through the equine unit as far as the Clearhedges Wood path entrance and I was worried to see white crosses on some of the Oak trees by the eastern side of the track. I am not sure who owns these trees - or why they might be intended to be felled.

As I left the muddy track before the large puddle I found a fallen branchlet with several patches of what initially looked like a white poroid resupinate. When I got it home it turned out to be a thin wrinkled corticioid resupinate, which looked rather like the image of Byssomerulius corium, the Netted Crust, possibly at a rather white early stage.

One feature was the ease with which the fruiting body could be removed from the substrate. The edges spontaneously curled up as it dried. Also the ripples flattened considerably over time.

The crusts appeared very white upon finding, but showed a slight tan tinge and may have turned creamier as they dried.

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