Sunday 21 March 2021

A tar crust on Beech - Biscogniauxa nummularia, Nemania sp or Diatrype stigma?

What I think is probably a Beech branch on the forest floor, so this could be Biscogniauxia nummularia, a Nemania sp or Diatrype stigma, all quite common tar crusts on this particular tree, although there could also be quite a few others that this could be, mostly in the many Ascomycete Pyrenomyocete fungi. 

On Tuesday, I found a dead dried out Beech tree with a huge streak of a tar crust up its trunk. This would fit with the classic model of Biscogniauxia nummularia, running from the roots upward as seen in Lynne Boddy's paper. In this case it is uncertain whether it is drought, or the death of the tree from another cause, which encouraged this excessive growth and fruiting of the fungus.

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