Tuesday 19 January 2021

More fungal wanderings


Took some photos of one of the oak trees by the car park to go into the new Fungi Forever app.

Sycamore crust.

Over the path by the Pines in the mossy floor area.  


The grey crust??

Exidia plana

Hymenochaete corrugata just possibly, on hazel but it might have been Fuscoporia of course, no real evidence either way. This was a crossing dead branch that had been stuck to the live upright branch. 

I soon got to the section of woods close to Ringlet corner, uphill up towards the bridleway.

Just on the corner there was a small Elder Bush with what possibly seemed to be Elder Whitewash, Hyphodontia sambuci,  on the base of the stems.

and closer,

On the same bush, there were some nice Jelly Ears, Auricularia auricula-judae, higher up the stem,

and closer,

Piptoporus betulinus


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