Sunday, 24 January 2021

Basidioradulum radula or Radulomyces molaris?

By the path beside the front Spruce department I came across a blackened fallen log and on the underside were a Slime Mould and a Toothed Crust. After thinking of Radulomyces molaris for a while, I went for a little while for the Toothed Crust Fungus, Basidioradulum radula, but eventually returned to Radulomyces molaris.

I think that I have seen some older fairly decrepit specimens of this same fungus in different places in Dene Park, suggesting that is fairly well established in the woodland. My only concern at the moment is that Basidioradulum is supposed to be found mainly on attached branches of deciduous trees according to Laessoe and Petersen - and I think I mainly see it on the ground! Maybe I just haven't seen the fresh stuff! 

Here is today's photograph, the second one a closer view:

see how the teeth have changed direction - was the log moved?

Further up the log was some possibly Badhamia utricularis, (or not) a myxomycete that feeds on fungi, possibly feeding off this Radulomyces molaris or Basidioradulum radula.

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Bimbling in the front Beech compartment

Had another look for Holly Parachute and again no luck. 

Found some old, battered and rather algal covered Turkey Tail on a fallen branch in the dead hedge, rather pretty in the sweeping colour patterns.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

A little bit earlier in the day, but on a much gloomier afternoon.

 Cor, definitely a bit gloomy today. But a great walk nevertheless, really succesful on crusts, although I didn't find anything particularly dramatic! 

This was in the oak compartment just north of the acid grassland compartment. Here is a crust going greenish and rotten I think. Algal colonisation? No idea on the crust, could be almost anything.

I know it wasn't very exciting but it is important to think how a crust changes its appearance from developing through to mature to (apparently) senescent and finally decaying.

I also found some Woodwart on what could perhaps have been hazel or oak. I really have to get better at this!

In the front Beech compartment I failed on Holly Parachute, even on finding any holly leaves! And then there was this crust, that I thought should have been Fuscoporia, but the photos might indicate a very mature Byssomerulius corium. I thought I could now see wrinkles that I had originally taken for pores. However it looked very thick to me! The colour was not impossible, but a bit darker than I had been used to. It looked very tidy, whatever it was. 

and a closer view:

This is another crust below, a little more solid with a blackened edge. It may be on a fallen Beech branch. Note the slightly darker colours of some of the patches to the left. The patch of crust lower down has been covered with a black layer. Looks a little like Hymenochaete corrugata, but that is generally found on Hazel. I didn't bring a hand lens to check for setae, or KOH to check for blackening. Will I be able to find it again?

and again a closer view:

In the front Beech Compartment, there was a whitish crust on Birch bark, very much integrated into the bark. I wonder if it could perhaps be Hyphodontia sambuci again?

When I got out onto Knight's Drive, there was a newly fallen dead oak branch, with plenty of green foliose lichens, bits of what I think was a woodwart and lots of what I thought could have been initially quite fleshy Peniophora quercina (Pers.) Cooke, with its particular colour changes as it wets and dries and blacker margins that curl up as it dries. This is the best example I have seen to date. I was very pleased to see what I think is this crust again, and I wonder whether it actually does better on horizontal branches higher up in the canopy (Andy Overall), rather than lower down or even on the ground? 

Further along the branchlet, which was about an inch in diameter. Slightly more dried out I think.

More fungal wanderings


Took some photos of one of the oak trees by the car park to go into the new Fungi Forever app.

Sycamore crust.

Over the path by the Pines in the mossy floor area.  


The grey crust??

Exidia plana

Hymenochaete corrugata just possibly, on hazel but it might have been Fuscoporia of course, no real evidence either way. This was a crossing dead branch that had been stuck to the live upright branch. 

I soon got to the section of woods close to Ringlet corner, uphill up towards the bridleway.

Just on the corner there was a small Elder Bush with what possibly seemed to be Elder Whitewash, Hyphodontia sambuci,  on the base of the stems.

and closer,

On the same bush, there were some nice Jelly Ears, Auricularia auricula-judae, higher up the stem,

and closer,

Piptoporus betulinus


Sunday, 17 January 2021

Early Nectria on Beech possibly


Could this be a Nectria species before it gains any obvious colour? All over the blackened bark of a fallen Beech branch. Or some form of erumpent material, possibly out of a dark brown surface.


Fox Wood


A steady bimble up the Fox Wood path, with lots and lots of Stereum hirsutum and several bleeding Stereum spp to puzzle over. I revisited the log with Stereum subtomentosum on it.

I found some green-grey possibly decaying patches of a thin crust, easily detached and apparently finely textured. I think these may have been old patches of Byssomerulius corium

Just by the car park one of the Hazels was showing interest - Warlock's Butter I think, one of the two Rusty Pore-Crust species, Fuscoporia ferrea or Fuscoporia ferruginea, and a thin black crust with parallel cracking - unknown of course. The Fuscoporia was sticking a dead branch to a live one.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

A wander through the coppice stools and the "Ash patch".

Peniophora cinerea perhaps, a more-or-less featureless thin grey patchy crust on Sweet Chestnut.

An old Hazel (?) stick by the path down by the Spruce with lots of Plicatura crispa had a very waxy fairly thick off-white crust rolling back the bark. A fallen Birch stem with a Fomes fomentarius bracket on it.  

Lots of Schizopora paradoxa around generally. 

The Ash in "the patch" is looking very dead-twiggery with a few nearly dead and some dead stems. One partly fallen trunk with very little root around the base. 

Some suspected Stereum rugosum or Stereum subtomentosum

Some Stereum hirsutum resupinate patches showing more clearly orange on a dead stem.

A large covering of a thin crust of possible Schizopora paradoxa on the trunk of a largely fallen Spruce tree. 

Suspected Hymenochaete corrugata asexual stage on Hazel stems where the path comes out - some light brown mycelial bodies and some with a blackened surface. An almost toothed (corrugated?) surface visible on the younger body.