Tuesday 22 August 2017


Not so much exercise planned for today, after the long walk around Tollymore Forest Park yesterday, so just a gently amble around the garden at Rowallane near Saintfield this morning, finishing up with a pot of tea from the cafe.

The walled garden was tremendous, extremely well planted and managed.

The first plants we saw were Eryngium "Cobalt Star" backed up with a gorgeous pale creamy yellow daisy. Such a lovely colour combination. I think the combination was first hit upon by Elizabeth McGregor in her nurseries at Avondale, Kirkudbright, and the daisy is Leucanthemum x superbum 'Sonnenschein'. Sonnenschein translates from the German as sunshine in English, and the plant is reputed to be a good "do-er". The Eryngium itself is so completely different from the native species, Eryngium maritimum seen near Birkenhead last Saturday.

The flies of Northern Ireland and I have developed rather too close a relationship for my liking. I shall be very glad to wish them farewell tomorrow.  

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