Thursday 24 August 2017

Dene Park, a bit muddy

Just one circuit today. The track was still somewhat muddy, and a very interesting "flower-like" fungus on the ground on a wet section of the track itself, with whitish tips to the dark petals! On the far triangle, the Lesser Spearwort, Ranunculus flammula, is still in flower.

Smooth Hawksbeard, Crepis capillaris, with fairly hairless arrow-shaped stem leaves, and no basal leaves visible.

Perforate St Johns Wort, Hypericum perforatum, along the Knights Park track, along with Long-leaved (?) Dock and the flower heads of the Broad-leaved Helleborine. The St. Johns Wort had narrow pointed sepals shorter than the petals with no stalked black glands, quite pointy, but not as lanceolate as those of the square-stemmed st Johns Wort and there were a few tiny black dots on the underside margins of both the petals and the leaves. There were tiny translucent spots in the rather undeveloped leaves, but these were not very obvious, and I had to look quite closely to be sure. The stem was roundish, but perhaps oval in cross-section (the two raised lines?).

No sign of any Purple Hairstreaks, a few quite well marked Speckled Woods, but the weather wasn't brilliant.

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