Thursday 29 December 2016

Bough Beech

Lots of Greylags, Shoveller, Mallard, Teal, Coot, Moorhen, Cormorant and some Mandarin Duck on the main lake. Possibly some Wigeon as well.

The smaller lake was largely iced over, with only a couple of Carrion Crows.

Monday 26 December 2016

Milton Creek

A really nice walk out at Sittingbourne today in warm (for December) breezy weather with weak sun. Targets were the long-staying Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis. The drake is at the back with its longer tail, and the next one is perhaps a youngster, behind two lighter coloured females. I must say that they are remarkably pretty birds:

There are supposedly 11,000 or so wintering in the UK every year, but the distribution is much more Northern in distribution, generally north from Northumberland with high numbers off the East of Scotland. Most birds probably come from the Iceland/Greenland breeding population, but there may also be some from the Russian/North West European population. There are some records in Kent, but not a huge number. According to the RSPB they eat mainly mussels, cockles, clams, crabs and small fish.

The species is of European Conservation Concern, and appears subject to risk from oil spill in the relatively small Finnish/Scandinavian population. The UK wintering population, at the southwestern limit of its range, is therefore subject to protection and at least three Scottish estuarine shores are SPAs in part consequence.

On the tundra breeding grounds the males are highly territorial, and are reported to return to their territories year after year. Nests, with a down covering on a shallow depression in the ground, may be placed among Arctic Tern nests, affording some protection against predators. Nesting takes place from late June, usually close to a pond. The 5 - 9 eggs are brooded for 4 weeks or so, the males leaving early in the process to moult on the coast.

There were plenty of other birds to be seen, particularly at the height of the tide. There were quite a few wigeon about, although they were not particularly vocal today.

There were quite a few Redshank around.

I got a couple of shots of a Black-Headed Gull flying conveniently past, in classic winter plumage. The wing pattern is just so wonderful, both under and over.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Uplees Marshes

Very briefly at the East Flood, two Greenshank flew in, one of which I got a good view of.

There were thousands of Golden Plover on Horse Sands, in among many other waders and gulls.

Scanning the edges of the Swale, I found Redshank, Dunlin, Lapwing, Shelduck, Curlew and a few Grey Plover on the shoreline mud.

I walked as far as the Fieldfares in the copse beyond the old dock. On the sheds there were Stock Doves, Rooks, Crows and one Green Woodpecker. There were several Grey Herons and Little Egrets. I saw two Buzzards, one of which came to rest on a gatepost.

Looking over towards Mocketts I thought I could (just) see a Ringtail Hen Harrier - just a guess really, quite orange/warm brown on its chest.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Willow twigs and aphid eggs

Here are some views of Salix viminalis twigs and buds, showing the greyish hairs on the twigs and buds. The buds have just one outer bud-scale, and are flattened against the twig, as is characteristic of the genus.

In this closer view you can see the placement of the lenticels on the "shoulders" of the buds - perhaps a very useful place for them to be metabolically? It is also interesting to see the "lipped" appearance of the buds, which may, or may not, be somewhat characteristic of the species - they may have dried out a bit of course. And, is it genuinely S. viminalis?

The other thing is the three small horns on the leaf scar - the two outer ones are smaller and "sharper" and sometimes appear to have a circular scab just to the outside of the horn, and I am finding it difficult to interpret this pattern. One possibility is that the circular scab results from the abscission of a stipule - as suggested on this webpage. The horns would therefore perhaps be "now blocked off" veins? If so the two outer ancillary ones may join with the central main one to form the midrib of the leaf, but perhaps branching off again in the lower quarter or third of the blade. Or could they be for stipule venation?

Several of the twigs had aphid eggs on them, quite glossy black by now.

Here are two more eggs

This is a twig from one of the yellow-orange Crack-Willows, Salix fragilis, on the Southern side of the Ocean lake. The stipule scar is very obvious and the bud itself is quite solid-looking, almost thorn-like at this angle. So many of them seem quite sharply colour-banded.

This is another twig of Crack Willow, this time with one partly diseased bud, a not uncommon sight in my limited experience.

This is a Dogwood twig, showing the spiky opposite unscaled buds that look to me like "witch's fingers"

Saturday 17 December 2016

Snow Buntings at West Beach, Llanddulas.

Started off at Wern Road, Llandulas at about High Tide with about 400 Common Scoter, a Guilllemot, a possible Diver, 2 Great Crested Grebes, innumerable Gulls and Cormorants offshore, with 2 Cormorants, 16 Great Black-Backed Gulls, 9 Herring Gulls and 7 Black-Headed Gulls inshore.

At Penrhyn Bay there were 7 Wigeon (5 males, 2 females) and 3 Red-breasted Mergansers (2 males, 1 female) fairly close-by on the sea. Further out there were innumerable gulls, with at least 5 Great Black-Backed Gulls, 6+ Herring Gulls and 6+ Black-Headed Gulls, and many more I could not identify. Also 40+ Cormorants, flying and feeding.

There were also 13 Oystercatchers, 10 Redshank, and 2 Turnstone roosting on the offshore rocky spit towards the Little Orme,

At West Beach, Llandudno, I walked down to the spit towards Deganwy where there were 3 Snow Buntings, 84 Common Gulls, Larus canus, 20+ Black-Headed Gulls and 25+ Herring Gulls, together with 30+ Oystercatchers.


Wednesday 14 December 2016

Ambling around Leybourne

At the first bend on the Ocean path, there was a small group of Long-tailed and Blue Tits, and luckily I spied a Chiff-Chaff in with them, mainly by its different movements. Wonderful. I saw several similar groups of Tits on my way around, but didn't see any sign of any other Chiff-Chaffs, or indeed that one again.

On the causeway I spied two Redwing, and quickly realised that I had already seen one earlier, flying over the water towards me and the small group of Tits, noting its pale face and chin.

A lovely sunny afternoon, and I tried to look for aphid eggs, but failed (almost) entirely. Right at the last minute, by the door to the toilet I did find an oval egg of some sort on Field Maple, quite likely an aphid egg.

However, despite this failure it was so interesting to see the aphids hanging from the Grey Willow over by the West Scrub. Probably dead individuals of Tuberolachnus salignus, the Giant Willow Aphid.

Adult aphids are supposed to remain active over the winter period, through January and February. There appeared to be wingless individuals attached to the twigs further along.

Incidentally, all aphids appear to have co-evolved with a bacterial partner, Buchnera aphidicola, that helps them cope with their plant phloem-sap sucking lifestyle. Aphids, being typical animals, have distinctly poor chemosynthetic ability. However their diet is very limited in amino-acid content, for example being largely (not entirely) limited to a few non-essential amino acids like Arginine in the Phloem sap. So how do aphids get the essential amino-acids they cannot synthesise, such as Trytophan for example? The bacteria embedded in their many thousands in huge mycetocytes (cells) in their bacteriosomes (organs) are very limited nowadays, as they rely for much of their structure and nutrition on their host aphids. But they CAN produce (for example) the essential amino-acid Tryptophan from the non-essential Arginine, which they do.  Buchnera over-produces the essential amino acids which are needed by its aphid host, but none of the non-essential amino acids, for which it depends on its aphid hosts, like most of its other nutrients. This partnership goes back possibly 180 - 250 million years. The bacteria in their bacteriocytes are passed by cellular migration across the ovaries into the developing embryos (or are expelled from bacteriocytes to migrate into eggs in the sexual stage?) or......

Saturday 3 December 2016

Murky Oare

The day started off very well with an amazing Goldcrest in the beech hedge outside Elgar HE8a. It was having a good old attack on its reflection in the window. It was absolutely gorgeous in close-up, with its crest clearly displayed, Eventually I closed the blind in the hope that it would calm down.

At Oare the BTGs were looking very grey in contrast to the winter splendour of the Teal, Shoveller and Pintails. What looked like a very late Curlew Sandpiper flew in to one of the mudbanks.

Redshank, Dunlin, Curlew, Grey Plover, Herring and BH Gulls,

Many seals, wrecked on the just emerging Horse Sands.

Saturday 12 November 2016

The Pipit

Tony heard the Pipit going over, and recognised its call instantly. It settled along the bottom of the grassy slope of the sea wall, bobbing in and out merrily for quite a few minutes. It looked a fair size, holding its head quite upright, with a dark streaky back, and a fairly pale face. Eventually a couple of walkers moved it around the corner of the sea wall. It breeds in Central Asia, but migrants often appear as wanderers over-wintering in Western Europe. This bird appeared at the same site that a well-twitched was seen on quite a few occasions last winter.

Friday 11 November 2016

Minnis Bay

About 550 Dark-bellied Brent Geese on field to the east of Plum-Pudding Island.

On the shore Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Redshank, Turnstone, Dunlin, Sanderling, Curlew, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Common Gull, Larus canus. Possible juvenile Gannets, GBB Gulls and Seals out on the banks out to sea. One Kingfisher fishing in a pool by a groyne. 8 or so Meadow Pipits. Carrion Crows and Magpies inland, Blackbird heard. Reports of other thrushes such as Fieldfares, Redwings, Blackbirds and Mistlethrushes inland towards Shuarts.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Reculver getting chilly

8 female Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra, were initially pointed out to me flying and then mixing with Wigeon. You can spot them quite easily from a distance by picking out their pale faces, which Velvet and Surf just don't have. I rather thought that they had slightly paler bellies as well, which might, or might not, indicate that they might have been first winter birds.

I hadn't realised that a few Common Scoter actually breed in Scotland and Ireland, on inland lakes as indeed they do elsewhere. In Scotland it tends to be quite variably sized lochs in the North and West, particularly in the Flow Country in Caithness and Sutherland. It is possible that they didn't breed in Scotland much before the mid 1800s. In 1995 there were about 100 pairs in Ireland and 100 pairs in Scotland, down slightly from the 70s. However, the main breeding range of the nominate race, nigra, is across the Arctic Ocean coastlands of Northern Europe and Russia, with the other, americana, race further to the east, and across towards Alaska. It is quite possible of course that subspecies americana is actually a separate species, recognisable by differences in call/song - some US research is treating it as such, and the division has been accepted by the BOU since the mid-noughties.

Threats might include eutrophication, competition for food, or predation by mink (encouraged by conifer planting in Scotland perhaps). A study in Scotland, triggered by a post-1995 more than halving of the population, indicated that lakes with shallow water around the edges, containing larger invertebrates, with more Three-Spined Sticklebacks but fewer Brown Trout, held significantly more birds. It was suggested that the water levels in hydro-electric lakes could be lowered, and also that perhaps more fishing in trout lakes could be encouraged! Many small trout might be worse than a few large ones.

Age of first breeding is 2 - 3 years. There is a monogamous pair-bond for the season, which may start in the winter flocks, with increasing pairing on the breeding grounds. The nests are usually built by the female, concealed close to the water's edge. It is hollow, lined with grass, moss, lichen and down. The male tends to defend the female wherever she may be. Egg-laying date is determined by timing of the arctic thaw, 6 - 8 eggs laid at 1-2 day intervals. Incubation is for almost exactly a month, with the eggs covered by down if the female leaves the nest. Hatching is quite synchronous. However, the male often deserts the female soon after the start of incubation, and the female then tends the young until they fledge - broods may sometimes be amalgamated. The young are nidifugous and precocial. They are generally self-feeding, but cared for and brooded at night by the female while still young. They fledge after roughly 45 - 50 days.

Common Scoters tend to over-winter in large flocks, hundreds or even thousands. Around the UK the winter population is about 100,000 with main concentrations in Carmarthen and Cardigan Bays, the Moray Firth and the North Norfolk coast. A previously unknown concentration on Shell Flat in the Irish Sea off the NorthWest coast was discovered by aerial survey in preparation for proposed windfarms. Most of the over-wintering birds generally stay between October and March. Males tend to concentrate more in the north, females and immatures apparently have to fly further south. After breeding, the birds move to moulting areas, for example Northern European and Russian birds moving into the Baltic. Then they move on to the over-wintering areas, for example the North Sea and the coasts of Britain. Numbers in the Waddensee appear to have dropped from about 40,000 in the 1960s, to about 1,000 now - but could this be due to migration shortening? The East Siberian/American race by contrast over-winters along the coasts of North America. The return journey was also studied in Surf Scoters on the west coast of North America. Data from birds tracked over 2 years indicated strong migration route fidelity, but altered chronology and stopover locations between years. Departure date varied by wintering site, but arrival and apparent settling dates were synchronous, suggesting individuals adjusted migration timing to meet an optimized reproductive schedule. Canadian research showed a positive correlation between longer snow cover and population size in Scoter species, indicating that climatic warming might reduce survival - but how were populations measured?

The Common Scoter feeds on shellfish obtained by diving, generally in daylight, from smaller groups, occasionally group-diving. Other birds or even fish such as introduced Perch on inland waters may compete with the Scoters for food. They may loaf from time to time during the day, and roost at night. A wide range of molluscs are taken such as mussels, cockles, clams, whelks, etc. Also some crustacea and tube-worms. There was strong evidence (Bangor University) that the maximum observed biomass of bivalves occurred at a mean depth of c. 14 m off the Lancashire coast and at c. 8 m off the north Wales coast. This coincided well with the distribution of Common Scoter at Shell Flat, but less well with the distribution of birds off North Wales. In Holland, research indicated that a decline in the bivalve Spisula was perhaps linked to the long-term decline in Common Scoter.

There is a lot of data on the Common Scoters in the Solway Firth - in British Birds here.

Foraging behaviour can be varied. One Canadian paper stated that the distribution of predators is widely recognized to be intimately linked to the distribution of their prey. Foraging theory suggests that predators will modify their behaviors, including movements, to optimize net energy intake when faced with variation in prey attributes or abundance. While many studies have documented changes in movement patterns of animals in response to temporal changes in food, very few have contrasted movements of a single predator species naturally occurring in dramatically different prey landscapes. We documented variation in the winter movements, foraging range size, site fidelity, and distribution patterns of a molluscivorous sea duck, the Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), in two areas of coastal British Columbia with very different shellfish prey features. Baynes Sound has extensive tidal flats with abundant clams, which are high-quality and temporally stable prey for Scoters. Malaspina Inlet is a rocky fjord-like inlet where Scoters consume mussels that are superabundant and easily accessible in some patches but are heavily depleted over the course of winter. We used radio telemetry to track surf scoter movements in both areas and found that in the clam habitats of Baynes Sound, Surf Scoters exhibited limited movement, small winter ranges, strong foraging site fidelity, and very consistent distribution patterns. By contrast, in mussel habitats in the Malaspina Inlet, Surf Scoters displayed more movement, larger ranges, little fidelity to specific foraging sites, and more variable distribution patterns. We conclude that features associated with the different prey types, particularly the higher depletion rates of mussels, strongly influenced seasonal space use patterns. These findings are consistent with foraging theory and confirm that predator behavior, specifically movements, is environmentally mediated.

Heavy shipping appeared to negatively impact on Scoter distribution in Canadian research. Off-shore wind-farms could perhaps impact either positively or negatively. On the other hand tanker spills definitely have impact: After the Sea Empress oil spill in Carmarthen Bay, numbers crashed for the next three years, but then recovered to the level of the previous population. The NAO appeared to impact upon distribution of Scoters of the east coast of North America. On the other hand, off-bottom oyster culture structures offered opportunities for mussels to settle in large numbers, and thereby increase feeding opportunities for Scoters, and its benefits have been demonstrated to increase habitat choice off British Columbia.

In a study of Surf Scoter diving activity in Canada, variation in both hourly and daily foraging efforts was best explained by date only, as opposed to substrate nature. Effort per hour was lowest in early December (presumably owing to very high prey abundance), increased until mid-February as prey declined, and then decreased again in March (probably owing to increased daylight time for foraging). Foraging effort estimated over a full day increased steadily from December to March as prey were depleted. Temporal patterns of effort did not vary by habitat (commercial mussel beds with easy to access shellfish, rapidly depleted upon harvest) after accounting for seasonal effects. Instead of increasing foraging effort in habitats with strong depletion, Surf Scoters redistributed to habitats with lower degrees of prey reduction as the season progressed. We suggest that Surf Scoters respond to variation in prey by adjusting both foraging effort and habitat selection as the prey landscape changes.

The duckling diet is quite varied, including insects and seeds. Looking at correlates of distribution of other species of Boreal waterbirds such as White-winged Scoter, Scaup and a Grebe, the presence of amphipods in larger lakes (>25 Ha) appeared to be the main interaction promoting occupancy and nest building.

It is thought that gluco-corticoids may influence weight gain, activity and breeding status. But what controls the gluco-corticoids?

Aggressive behaviour: Males may dash at each other (skating) with neck outstretched. Actual violent combat rare.

There is also a head-shake.

Several groups of Dark-bellied Brent Geese, including about 65 in one larger group gathered just off-shore in the gloom as I walked back. 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Rye Harbour

One juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Goose, dozens of Redshank, 3 Curlew, dozens of Dunlin, three or four Grey Plover, several Teal, Dozens of Wigeon, a few Mallard, a few Coot, about a dozen Little Grebe, One Kestrel, many Great Black-backed, Herring and Black-headed Gulls, two Fulmar, at least one Cormorant.

One or two Meadow Pipits, juvenile starlings, magpies, many Woodpigeons.

A beautiful still autumn day. 

Saturday 22 October 2016

Brent Geese off Seasalter

There were a number of Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Branta bernicla bernicla, perhaps several hundred, off the South Swale NNR, some quite close in. It was marvellous to see the details of their plumage, note a number of juveniles in amongst the adults, and hear their low grunting calls. Mixed with them were good numbers of Wigeon.

Also two Turnstone and a Grey Plover. Black-headed Gulls, Herring Gulls out on the Swale, with many groups flighting in to join them. Oystercatchers huddled on the spit at Castle Coote.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Local Kestrels

One on the wires by Spring House on Carpenters Lane in the dusk this evening. Usually seen by Grove Farm on the Maidstone Road as well, and regularly reported over the years at the Pittswood Glasshouses and breeding around the Pittswood area by Warren Baker. 

Sunday 16 October 2016

Robin on the rocks at Reculver

As usual there were House Sparrows to be found at the car park and around the Towers.

There was a Robin on the rocks just beyond the Towers as I went East and I saw it again when I returned, presumably the same one.

Five or more Pied Wagtails on the grass, counted no return.

Six or more Meadow Pipit in a small flock.

Flock of Turnstones and a few Ringed Plover on the way out, and counted about twenty Turnstone but only two Ringed Plover by one of the groynes on return. The waders were joined by a Grey Plover when last seen.

Seven plus Little Egret, up to five in view at any one time on the "paddle-wheels", and then one roosting on the larger conifer by the seafood farm as I returned.

Eight Redshank on the of the farm pools on the way out, with two more at Coldharbour Lagoon.

Overall hundreds of Black-headed Gulls around today, on the sea, in the fields or up in the air, together with many Herring Gulls and several Common Gulls, Larus canus.

Three or more cormorants, diving on the sea or flyovers.

At least one, probably two Stock Doves in the stubble with the Gulls.

Four Mute Swans, in two pairs, on fields and flying.

Ninety three or more Wigeon in one large raft on the sea, over a score of Mallard at Colharbour, and on the sea.

One Marsh Harrier being mobbed by the Carrion Crows, and then one female Kestrel along the seawall ditch, hunting briefly, on the way back.
A passing lady cyclist reported a possible Short-Eared Owl being harried by crows and going down at the seafood farm.  

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Long Billed Dowitcher at Oare Marshes

This Dowitcher presumably flew in from across the Atlantic at some stage this autumn and arrived on this East Coast Marsh, perhaps via some intermediate stopping points. It is recognizable by its brownish snipe-like appearance, fairly clear pale eye stripe, and also by its "sewing-machine" like feeding motion. The details of its plumage are very similar to the closely-related Short Billed Dowitcher. It is fairly regularly found in Western Europe on a few occasions each year.

Here the uniform grey of the centre of the tertials is quite clear. At least on the juvenile the books indicate that this is a good sign that this is indeed a Long Billed rather than a Short Billed.

The white slightly spotted rump is visible in the picture below. The brownish scapulars(?) indicate a likely juvenile.

On several occasions the bird vigorously scratched at its bill.

Monday 10 October 2016

Cliffe Pools on a lovely autumn afternoon

Very much enjoyed the Black Tern in winter plumage flying and then settled by BB1/BB2.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Pallid Harrier at Oare

I tried to time my arrival at Oare to fit in between the heavy rain showers whilst still in time for the high tide. It seemed to work with BTGs, Ringed Plovers, Lapwings, Golden Plover, Dunlin, and a few Curlew Sandpipers and Little Stints. One Yellow Wagtail.

Popped over to park by the ramp, and after waiting in the car until another cloudburst passed over, had a look for Harriers. As I found and slowly confirmed my first Marsh harrier, a couple of experts turned up and they soon found the juvenile Pallid Harrier. I could just see the orange underside, and the narrow white rump, but no other detail, with perhaps an impression of the barred underwings.

I was personally much happier to pick out my own Bar-Tailed Godwit on the mud as I walked Monty along the seawall. Much streakier, bar tail, no wingbar, more of a clear supercilium. 

Friday 23 September 2016


Two Wheatears, three Mute Swans, half a dozen Redshank, Black-headed Gulls, Herring Gulls, three Little Egret, a juvenile Pied Wagtail, a Meadow Pipit, several Reed Buntings, and I also found at least one very neat Common Sandpiper at the lagoon.

On the sea was a raft of Mallard, a pair of Gadwall and a few Teal.

There were a few Golden Plover, one Dunlin and a few Ringed Plover with about 35 gorgeous Sanderling on the shore on the return walk. This one still has a couple of summer feathers showing.

This one is slightly further back in the moult process.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Bough Beech briefly

Green Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Lapwings, one Snipe flyover, Buzzards, Great Crested Grebes, at least three Egyptian Geese, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese, Mallards, Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Autumn migrants at Bough Beech

A lovely lapwing came quite close:

but the big star were a handful of Green Sandpipers, Tringa ochropus, and I had quite good views, fairly close.

Here is a view of a Greenshank wading through the water, washing the mud off the legs, to expose the yellowish-green legs. As the tertials are blown slightly up and off by the breeze, the plain dark primary feathers of the wing are quite clearly visible.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Migrant waders at Oare

This is a juvenile Ringed Plover - white not buff above the eye, no sharp dip in the dark below the eye, a relatively thick bill and possibly a little orange on the legs, and a fairly clear primary projection.

This is a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, with neat anchor-marked scapulars with clearly outlined white edges. Pale and pastel, longer-legged in comparison to Dunlin.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Oare Marshes

Nice view of the Little Ringed Plover, the first one that I have definitely seen.

Yellow legs (despite the mud) and slight yellow eye-ring. Buff supercilium. Sleek shape. 

Saturday 9 July 2016

Bony's Gull at Oare

Bonaparte's Gull, Chroicocephalus philadelphia, a rare wanderer from America, the gull on the right of course! I wonder where this bird spends its summers, and who with!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Focussing on the Round Pond Dragons at Leybourne

Late afternoon. From the Pond-dipping platform on the Round Pond a female Emperor Dragonfly meandered past briefly.

Small Red-eyed Damselflies were close to the bank on Blanket Weed and Water plants, there no Water Lilies and apparently no Red-eyed Damselflies. Go figure?

A few Blue-tailed Damselflies were on the emergent stems.

Common Blues were on the Blanket Weed, emergent stems and many were all around the pond on the grasses and herbaceous plants, mainly males. 

Sunday 3 July 2016

Mainly dragons at Leybourne Lakes

I paused to see what I could find from the footbridge over the main stream through the park.

It was very interesting to see the apparent split in behaviour between the male and female Banded Demoiselles, with the males getting into territorial activity down by the water edge, while the females tend to hold back, often being seen higher up or further back, resting more calmly on the vegetation.

The males occasionally stayed still enough for a photograph, in their finery:

I only found one Black-tailed Skimmer, quite fresh, off the path by the side of the stream, perhaps as the paths were so well-traveled on this warm afternoon:

There were also a few Blue Tailed Damselflies on the vegetation:

Then I moved on to the "Key Conservation Area" pond, where there many dozens of male Common Blue Damselflies feeding and resting on the vegetation 10 m or so away from the water's edge.

Mainly dragons at Leybourne Lakes

I paused to see what I could find from the footbridge over the main stream through the park.

It was very interesting to see the apparent split in behaviour between the male and female Banded Demoiselles, with the males getting into territorial activity down by the water edge, while the females tend to hold back, often being seen higher up or further back, resting more calmly on the vegetation.

I only found one Black-tailed Skimmer, quite fresh, off the path by the side of the stream, perhaps as the paths were so well-traveled on this warm afternoon:

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Barden Lake

Slow ramble around Barden Lake looking for birds, especially yearlings birds, and dragonflies.

The pair of Swans still had their seven cygnets, safe so far from pike and other predators.

Interesting link to a Guardian article on the species expansion.

I think this is the closest I have ever actually been to a Red-eyed Damselfly, come to the shore in order to find a place to mate or lay eggs perhaps. I hadn't realised how fuzzy their thoraxes are! There is no sign of any ante-humeral stripes on the males of the Red-Eyed Damselfly, a useful separation feature. 

The male is in reasonable focus here.

This picture brings the female into focus a little better, noting the broken lines of the ante-humeral stripes, forming "exclamation marks", another useful separation feature, parallel to that for the male above.

I found one pair of White Legged Damselfly on the edge of the shallows.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Lady Bagots Drive

Sycamore Leafhopper, characteristic colour pattern of late instar nymphs

Yellow Pimpernel,

Woodruff, note forward pointing prickles on leaves