Sunday 16 October 2016

Robin on the rocks at Reculver

As usual there were House Sparrows to be found at the car park and around the Towers.

There was a Robin on the rocks just beyond the Towers as I went East and I saw it again when I returned, presumably the same one.

Five or more Pied Wagtails on the grass, counted no return.

Six or more Meadow Pipit in a small flock.

Flock of Turnstones and a few Ringed Plover on the way out, and counted about twenty Turnstone but only two Ringed Plover by one of the groynes on return. The waders were joined by a Grey Plover when last seen.

Seven plus Little Egret, up to five in view at any one time on the "paddle-wheels", and then one roosting on the larger conifer by the seafood farm as I returned.

Eight Redshank on the of the farm pools on the way out, with two more at Coldharbour Lagoon.

Overall hundreds of Black-headed Gulls around today, on the sea, in the fields or up in the air, together with many Herring Gulls and several Common Gulls, Larus canus.

Three or more cormorants, diving on the sea or flyovers.

At least one, probably two Stock Doves in the stubble with the Gulls.

Four Mute Swans, in two pairs, on fields and flying.

Ninety three or more Wigeon in one large raft on the sea, over a score of Mallard at Colharbour, and on the sea.

One Marsh Harrier being mobbed by the Carrion Crows, and then one female Kestrel along the seawall ditch, hunting briefly, on the way back.
A passing lady cyclist reported a possible Short-Eared Owl being harried by crows and going down at the seafood farm.  

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