Saturday 1 October 2016

Pallid Harrier at Oare

I tried to time my arrival at Oare to fit in between the heavy rain showers whilst still in time for the high tide. It seemed to work with BTGs, Ringed Plovers, Lapwings, Golden Plover, Dunlin, and a few Curlew Sandpipers and Little Stints. One Yellow Wagtail.

Popped over to park by the ramp, and after waiting in the car until another cloudburst passed over, had a look for Harriers. As I found and slowly confirmed my first Marsh harrier, a couple of experts turned up and they soon found the juvenile Pallid Harrier. I could just see the orange underside, and the narrow white rump, but no other detail, with perhaps an impression of the barred underwings.

I was personally much happier to pick out my own Bar-Tailed Godwit on the mud as I walked Monty along the seawall. Much streakier, bar tail, no wingbar, more of a clear supercilium. 

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