Tuesday 18 August 2015

White-rumped Sandpiper at Oare

Back to Oare, and I THINK I saw the Sandpiper in among the Dunlin on the far side of the ponds - somewhat darker speckles stretching lower down the breast. It was too far away to get a good photo but I thought the bird was a bit slimmer/sleeker and the tail was more pointed, fitting in with the primaries extending beyond the tail. However I didn't see the white rump itself!

I think this might be it, most easily seen, looking at the smaller birds to the back, and, hopefully, the slightly thinner bird with a shorter bill, below and to the right of the Dunlin:

There were a few Knot around, which I particularly enjoyed, here with one Redshank and some Golden Plover,

And there was a seal out in the Swale, popping its head out over the waves.

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