Saturday 22 August 2015

Oare Marshes

I think this is a Little Ringed Plover juvenile, as I cannot see a "bold white supercilium" as I would expect on a Ringed Plover juvenile. The hood could be pointed as well, it was difficult to be sure in this photo - confirmed in another, now that I know what I am looking for! A highly cropped photograph, so no further detail possible, but all of the repeated photographs were quite consistent. There were potentially two birds, but I think I only photographed one of them. Nothing proven though.

There were about 15 Little Terns fishing off the point and the mouth of Oare Creek.

Here is a Turnstone, one of a group of half a dozen in summer plumage picking at the seaweed on the rocks by the launching ramp:

and here is the same bird actually jumping quickly from one spot to another,

This is the Turnstone again in full colour, not a bad photo, head cocked.

and here in black and white:

and another photo, again in black and white to demonstrate the camouflage:

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