Friday 16 May 2014

Shorne Woods Country Park.

Really warm this afternoon - hot even!

So it was a great time to visit Shorne, and it even looked as if the room above the cafe might be big enough for the possible SE Tree Forum this autumn.

I found TWO Blue Tit nests, and one Great Spotted Woodpecker nest - this "looking" is really getting results! The Great Spotted Woodpecker hole was easy to find as the youngster in the nest was calling continuously and monotonously just like a car alarm! Really exciting stuff, even if the photos are poor.

Really good to see the trees, Highlights included the veteran Oaks and Sweet Chestnuts, the tall Hollies down beyond the Fairy Ring on the Red Trail, the uprooted Sweet Chestnuts with South-facing root-plates offering opportunities for solitary bees, while the trees themselves regenerate from the fallen trunks, potentially quickly closing the canopy.  

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