Tuesday 20 May 2014

A late visit to Dene Park

It was distinctly cooler and moister today, and there wasn't a great deal of insect life up in the woods when I got there at about 3:30. It was cloudy and briefly threatened a little rain at one point.

However the visit got off to a great start, when I was pretty sure I heard a Garden Warbler, Sylvia borin, singing away in one of the small copses on the grassy area by the car park, It was like a Blackcap, but much more prolonged, varied and tuneful. I honestly cannot think what else it could have been! I was able to listen for several long periods of song, but failed to get a sound recording (memory full!). So that is a life tick for me, what a delight!

I'm still not sure whether the ride clearing that the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership have been doing has had any positive effect - it seems to be too little on the trees either side and too heavy on the ride-side herbaceous vegetation.

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