Saturday 18 June 2016


Red Kite, Buzzard and Kestrel over the village/car park. Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Willow Warbler, Chiff-chaffs, Song-Thrush, unidentified birdsong, possible Dunnock, Wren.

Creeping and Field Buttercup, Greater and Lesser Spearwort, Crowfoot, Heath Bedstraw, more Ragged Robin than you could throw a stick at, CatsEar, Red Campion, Sheeps Sorrel, Wild Strawberry, Marsh(?) Orchid, Sallows and another possible (Eared?) Willow, Rowan, Bilberry, Rhododendron, Ash, Heather, Wood Avens, Hawthorn, Lady's Mantle, Birds-Foot Trefoil, a Trefoil, Tufted Vetch, Meadow Vetchling, Eyebright, Herb Robert, Cow Parsley, Speedwells, Brooklime?, Marsh Thistle, Smooth Sowthistle, goodness knows what else.

Painted Lady.

Large Red Damselflies, Emperor Dragonfly. 

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