Saturday 18 June 2016

Bod Petryal

A Grey Wagtail by the picnic tables before the lake. Sat by the lake and watched across the water for about half an hour - saw very little, but heard Song Thrush and Nuthatch in the distance.  Up above me a very close Coal Tit calling. Chaffinches singing all around. A lovely evening but a few insects too close to my neck for comfort.

Walking up the short diagonal cross path to the stream path and back down to the road by the stream with the Great and Small Sallows, more Chaffinches, Songthrushes and Blackbirds, and a repeated "ribbit" call, perhaps a Chaffinch, from the top of one of the conifers.

On the road on the way back a briefly hovering rather ungainly Buzzard - the first time I've seen one doing this oft-reported action.

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