Monday 21 December 2015

Leybourne with the camera today

As there was reasonable weather today I took the camera back to Leybourne, and very much enjoyed the birds through the lens.

The Black-headed Gulls, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, took starring roles of course, and here is an adult on one of the buoys by the feeding area, so well camouflaged against the background of the waves.

and another with better developed "headphones".

I tried to get some "in flight" shots, but most were very blurry, and I think the combination of poor light and limited ISO of 2000 meant the shutter speed was just too slow for the movement. 

Here is an adult in flight with coverts or perhaps scapulars(?) stalling: 

This photo is in because this appears to be an adult plumaged bird but with a rather light orange beak - compare with the other adults above, so perhaps a 2cy December bird. It also shows the white extreme tips to P 4 - 7.


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