Friday 18 December 2015

Leybourne getting dark again

About 90 Greylag Geese by the feeding station on the Ocean for a change, and a Blackbird taking Rowan berries off the first of the two trees on the south side. Then a good half dozen Goldfinches in the trees moving right across the path. Muscovy Duck on the perch he was on the other night, several Farmyard hybrids, Moorhen, Tufted Duck, Coots, Black-headed Gulls were all that could be picked out by eye in the gathering gloom.

The Italian Alder male catkins are still green, about twice as long as those on the Common Alder.

On Roaden Island Lake four grey cygnets with their mum, and rather strangely, one Greylag tagging along with three Canada Geese. At least seven Shoveller, a lovely surprise, with a couple of Gadwall and the usual Tufted Duck and Coot.

Over to Railway Lake, where I put up a couple of Mistle Thrush or Fieldfares, and by now I could only pick out Tufted Duck on the lake in what was now the genuine start of dusk.

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