Wednesday 13 August 2014

Briefly to the Cricket Ground

I set off from Williams Field, checking on the broken hardboard mural that had been taken down, and trying to think what to do with all the spare grass beside the football field.

I had a good look around the area I call the "Community Woodland" at the back of Williams Field and found Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown butterflies (one each). I thought I also saw a Chrysotoxum bicinctum. The trees are developing quite well and providing good habitat. I wonder whether the oak seedlings need thinning?

Behind our developing woodland I had a look along the shady public right of way and found three or more Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria. They looked only moderately fresh, and I thought this was a good place to find these. The trees just here have apparently been planted by the farmer, but still provide the appropriate micro-climatic options these butterflies seem to like.

Along by Harris Field smallholding there were at least two male Common Blue Butterflies, sunning themselves next to the alfalfa field. I wondered if they were part of the same colony as the Common Blues I saw 150 m. away on the grassy orchard, or perhaps had wandered from there. There were none in the orchard. Another Speckled Wood flickered along the shady part of the path.

You get a great view of Oxenhoath from Steers Place, it is such a lovely house:

There are plenty of other gorgeous houses around here as well, this one up towards the cricket ground, which I believe is called Cricketers Cottage Farm!:

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