Saturday 5 April 2014

Cliffe Pools with Med Gulls at last!

10 Mediterranean Gulls, 400 Black-headed Gulls, 100+ Black Tailed Godwits, 50+ Redshank, 30+ Dunlin, 200+ Avocets, 40+ Shelduck, 20 Shoveller, 10 Coot, 8 Great Crested Grebe, 2 drake Pochard, 20 Tufted Duck, 5 Mallard, 6 Herring Gulls. 10 Goldfinch, 4 Robin, 4 Blackbirds, 4 Magpies, 6 Jackdaws.

The Two Song Thrushes were singing at either end of the track between Conoco and Elf Pools. The dark arrowheads on the breast are truly marvellous.

I could hear several Blackcaps, but didn't see more than a glimpse of them.

The Great Tits were singing and I also managed to catch this Blue Tit feeding nearly hidden in the upper branches of the hawthorn scrub.

The Tufted Duck appear to be in pairs or small groups scattered across the pools as a whole:

Two Black-headed Gulls on the iron structure by the Radar-Flamingo path.

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