Wednesday 2 April 2014

Black-necked Grebe eludes me

The Track,

Dozens of Peacock butterflies and Bumblebee Queens, backed by the singing of Blackcaps, Dunnocks, Robins, Great Tits and Blue Tits.


On Radar there looked to be the hundreds of Black-headed Gulls, Avocets and Black-tailed Godwits that I had looked at on Saturday, but I didn't have time to stop at the viewpoint today, as I was on the "hunt" for a summer-plumaged Black-necked Grebe.

On BB1, 

there was perhaps a greater variety of birds to be seen on BB1. There were several pairs of Teal, 3-4 Pochards, scores of Shovellers, mainly male, a pair of Gadwall, maybe 7 - 10 pairs of Tufted Duck, and about the same number of Coot, with 1 - 2 Moorhen.

There were also several Avocets, 2 pairs of Little Grebe, but no Black-necked Grebe in breeding plumage.

Pity I didn't take any photos as the light to the left was brilliant.

Cetti;s warblers and chaffinches were singing by the track behind me.

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