Saturday 9 February 2013

Scandi readiness

Several hundred fieldfares, Turdus pilaris, with a couple of redwings, Turdus iliacus iliacus, a dozen or so blackbirds, Turdus merula, and about 70 starling, Sturnus vulgaris, were on Gipsy and Rhubarb fields this afternoon. Overall it was quite a sight!

 Looked as though the fieldfares are going for a protein rich diet before heading off back to Scandinavia. Warren reported over a hundred on the sheep field at Migrant Alley in the morning.

Breeds in small colonies.

A pair of greylag flew together over Gipsy, one mainly white on the body with really only a grey neck and the pair were later seen on the ground in Great Court. A kestrel flew low over Rhubarb, putting the fieldfares up into the trees.

A small group of great tits were noisy in the newer trees along 123 towards Victoria Road, and later through the ash trees between the two fields. 

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