Saturday 16 February 2013

Saturday gulls at Barden

Lots of black-headed gulls on the lake today - is it because its Saturday? Several more now wearing their brown hoods. Two Common Gulls as well. Usual Mallard (the rufus-sided one included), several mating season flights going on, Tufted Duck, and the two Farmyard Ducks with a cormorant flying overhead twice (or two birds?) and a pair of Great Crested Grebe showing very well indeed.

Canada Geese (looking as though things are moving along) and I was glad to see the Greylag hybrid back again. One Mute Swan. Coot, including the regular mottled bird, and several pairs of Moorhen.

Robins and Great Tits singing. Chaffinches, Blackbirds and Blue Tits around.

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