Sunday 22 July 2012

Silver Washed Fritillary

Today seemed likely to be sunnier, so it was back to Dene Park hunting the Emperor, but no luck again. However I saw a female Silver Washed Fritillary along the path from Knights Park Corner to Ringlet Corner, and then I think the same individual a little further on.These two photos were of this first one.

On the way back there was another individual by the Triangle. This one looked a little more worn at the edges, with a small nibble out of the left wing. Also I eventually worked out that this was a male, from the sex-brands. I think at least the second sex-brand away from its body has burst open (the white line), as designed for showering a female with scented scales, and thus indicates this insect's prior (hopefully successful) sexual activity. 

There were reasonable numbers of other butterflies around, including this Meadow Brown, probably a very worn female, unusually with two white spots!

By comparison this Gatekeeper looks very orange - if rather blurred in the first photo. This should be a male because of the dark smudge in the centre of the upper forewing:

This could be one of the fresh second brood of Speckled Woods, Pararge aegeria, with fantastic irridescent hairs close to the body.

and this is one of the very nice Ringlets, from the track leading up to Ringlet Corner.

Large Skipper. I would guess that this is a female, and rather worn.

Plenty of other things to see, such as a few Eristalis, including this rather nice Eristalis arbustorum - or is it?  

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