Sunday 15 July 2012

Dene Park with BBCS Kent - and STILL no Emperor!

The Purple Emperor was again hiding his glory from his public, even from the Kent branch of the British Butterfly Conservation Society, but there were good numbers of fresh bright Commas, some Meadow Browns, a couple of Large Skippers, quite a few White Admirals, a nice Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria, and I also found a Ringlet at Point Wood Corner.

I did find a hoverfly that I think is new to me, Epistrophe grossulariae, and the pictures were good enough on this occasion to lead me in the right direction and be reasonably convincing. Moderately sized fly, yellow on the side of thorax, generally parallel yellow bands on tergites 3 and 4, with spots on tergite 2. These open out and sweep slightly backwards rather than being true golf club shapes. Yellow bands on tergites 3 and 4 also open out and sweep slightly backwards at the edge of the tergites. Black bases to front and mid femora, black stripe on top of head leading to dark antennae, grey stripes on top of thorax.

Other hoverflies seen today were Eristalis pertinax, Episyrphus balteatus, Volucella pellucens, Melanostoma scalare, and Sphaerophoria spp.

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