Wednesday 14 March 2012

Plum blossom at Great Court

There was a robin singing in the Green Lane Wood just beyond the footpath junction. Is there a ring on its leg - I couldn't see it in a couple of later photos? The buds on this tree looked ready to break and there was plenty of Pleurococcus algae or look-alikes on the branches. There were a very few patches of lichens also visible.

The weather was still pleasant and the plum blossom was well out along the hedgerow. Its interesting to see the gradual unfolding of the sepals and petals to reveal the cluster of stamens with their tawny anthers, the lovely white of the petals and the eventual reflexing of the sepals. There is a single stigma and style in there as well!

The bumblebees were working the blossom well. Most seemed to be Bombus terrestris, like this individual with a thick necklace of parasitic mites. I think you can see its tongue seeking nectar. There doesn't seem to be any pollen in its leg pollen baskets.

There were quite a few Blue-tits deliberately seeking out the blossom. These may have been taking the pollen (internet sources, and also a couple of anthers were caught on camera "flicked" into the air) or the nectar (Birds of the Western Paleartic source). It looked more like nectar, but this needs further investigation.

And there was also a bullfinch or two moving more quietly and deeper in the branches.

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