Monday 26 March 2012

Bee bank in Broadview

A really interesting day in the Gardens today, particularly as time was not too much of an issue, and the sun was beating down. Its still taking me a little time to get used to the new clocks (they went forward on Sunday morning) but it certainly gives extra time in the afternoon.

I wanted to look around by the Garden Design studio to see if I could find some lighter soil where the Andrena bees could be burrowing, but there was little on the move until I got to the office side - where I suddenly came across the "bee bank"!

This was really quite busy with many Melecta albifrons, presumably all looking for the opportunity to lay their eggs in Andrena tunnels!

But there were no Andrena about that I could see - although there were perhaps a few Anthophora plumipes around, at least one male was seen!

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