Saturday 17 September 2011

Quick nocturnal walkabout

As I took Monty out last thing it seemed nearly pitch black beyond the Victorian street lights of the village.
I had taken the torch with me and I shone it on the moss and lichen-covered aspen and beech tree trunks by the side of the road. It was fairly easy to find woodlice, slugs, spiders and small black millipedes, the last possibly being Tachypodoiulus niger - unless the environment is too lacking in lime for it to found here!

It was amazing how much was actively crawling about! The trunks themselves were like tiny tropical forests, very dramatically coloured and textured. The same was true of Pam and Ken's garden walls, including a very active centipede rushing over the garden wall in search of prey. Even the relatively bare garage wall had the same millipedes and spiders easily visible. Again, there were many things at head height or above, all picked out very easily by the beam of the torch.

Unfortunately it wasn't easy to photograph things effectively in the dark, so little to be made of all this rushing about for the blog.

On Saturday I was thrashing back (commonly known as pruning) Pam's shrubs, and doing trips to B and Q, so missed the early afternoon sunshine. I didn't take the camera with me when I finally went out, as it was pouring with rain by now, so I'm afraid it's a very short text-only blog today!

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