Peniophora cinerea perhaps, a more-or-less featureless thin grey patchy crust on Sweet Chestnut.
An old Hazel (?) stick by the path down by the Spruce with lots of Plicatura crispa had a very waxy fairly thick off-white crust rolling back the bark. A fallen Birch stem with a Fomes fomentarius bracket on it.
Lots of Schizopora paradoxa around generally.
The Ash in "the patch" is looking very dead-twiggery with a few nearly dead and some dead stems. One partly fallen trunk with very little root around the base.
Some suspected Stereum rugosum or Stereum subtomentosum.
Some Stereum hirsutum resupinate patches showing more clearly orange on a dead stem.
A large covering of a thin crust of possible Schizopora paradoxa on the trunk of a largely fallen Spruce tree.
Suspected Hymenochaete corrugata asexual stage on Hazel stems where the path comes out - some light brown mycelial bodies and some with a blackened surface. An almost toothed (corrugated?) surface visible on the younger body.