This close-up is of a crust fungus, probably the Hairy Curtain-Crust, Stereum hirsutum, which really does seem to be very orange much of the time, whether as small tiers of brackets, or as resupinate crusts. This species is one of the commonest species recorded in the UK, found on hardwoods in very large patches and very commonly covering logs. There is another species, Stereum rameale, which is supposedly less hairy. I do find it a little difficult to be sure about differentiating these.
Just a couple of notes on Stereum rameale or aka ochraceoflavum. The habitat is said to be fallen twigs and small branches of broadleaved trees.
Stereum hirsutum is found mainly on dead wood, but is occasionally seen on live wood, perhaps near wounds and it might be mildly parasitic. However it is mainly known as an abundant saprophyte. I wonder whether it is much more zoned and hairier at other times of year?
I assume from some of the pictures that the resupinate crust is often an earlier stage of development and the little turbinate bodies are the intermediate stage where the bracket is about to develop.
Stereum hirsutum is an all-year annual, and I think the crusty brackets fairly quickly discolour , darken and perhaps get covered in algae. However the colours of these are rather bright rich yellow to orange. Bibby has the hymenial (lower) surface as smooth, yellow-ochre to yellow-brown NOT reddening when injured. Bibby also has the upperside of the crusts as hairy-tomentose, zonate, yellow-orange, ochre to greyish-ochre. Buczacki has it as wavy, and distinctly downy-hairy.
Here are some more brackets, 2 - 5 cm diameter, on the same log, often with much darker brown centres, perhaps with a few velvety hairs glinting slightly in the flash light. I think that this is a different species of Stereum, but it might just be better developed Stereum hirsutum. The needles belong to the Douglas Fir I think, but that might be entirely incidental..
The flesh is tough, elastic and clearly inedible. There is no taste or smell. The spores, which I have never seen, are supposed to be white.
and another species, this one with capsules,
Stereum hirsutum is found mainly on dead wood, but is occasionally seen on live wood, perhaps near wounds and it might be mildly parasitic. However it is mainly known as an abundant saprophyte. I wonder whether it is much more zoned and hairier at other times of year?
I assume from some of the pictures that the resupinate crust is often an earlier stage of development and the little turbinate bodies are the intermediate stage where the bracket is about to develop.
This is rather more highly magnified and showing the early stages I think - is that mycelium underneath these crusts? I think its more likely than being the hairy upper surface?
This photo may indicate some dying off of the Stereum, possibly caused by the attack of another fungus or other pathogen.
Here are some more brackets, 2 - 5 cm diameter, on the same log, often with much darker brown centres, perhaps with a few velvety hairs glinting slightly in the flash light. I think that this is a different species of Stereum, but it might just be better developed Stereum hirsutum. The needles belong to the Douglas Fir I think, but that might be entirely incidental..
The flesh is tough, elastic and clearly inedible. There is no taste or smell. The spores, which I have never seen, are supposed to be white.
This is just a bit further up, and to the right of the last image.