Sunday 4 February 2018

Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve

We had a great walk around with the Kent Wildlife Trust on their Winter Trees Id walk. The warden had excellent inter-personal skills and made everyone feel at home. One possible improvement would be to know beforehand what everyone wanted to get out of the day, and to do a bit of personal tailoring?

Plenty of tree pictures, and then I went round the "circuit" again to try and find some fungi.

This appeared to be a double mushroom on this horizontal log covered in mosses, but when I turned it over it was poroid rather than gilled. After consulting Bibby, I thought it might perhaps be the Winter Polypore, Polyporus brumalis, and there was some support for that on the Kent Fungus Group. However it was a fairly poor photo, and of course people, however polite, could not be sure.

Polyporus brumalis is a white rot that has at least some strains that are extremely effective at attacking lignin.

On a blackened log pile I found what I thought were Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor and also Phlebia tremellosa.

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