Saturday, 26 October 2024

Elfin Saddle, Helvella lacunosa


Someone in the Kent Field Club group pointed this out to the rest of us, a remarkable Ascomycete fungus.

The fruiting surface is smooth on the upper surface, a little furry beneath. It fuses with the strongly furrowed stalk in several places. Perhaps found in woodland or woodland clearings, perhaps on richer soil, sometimes on fire sites, but I didn't think to look closely at this site. Possibly mycorrhizal. Could well be a species complex.

Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata large, discomycetous, stipitate. Cap 1.5-5 cm diam., regularly saddle-shaped with 2-3 lobes or irregularly lobed, strongly convex, the margin attached in some places to the stipe. Hymenium pale greyish to greyish-brown to black, very often wrinkled towards the centre, the outer surface of the cap glabrous, pale greyish to grey-brown, sometimes with indistinct, anastomosing shallow ribs. Stipe 1.5-5(-12) cm high, 5-15 mm diam., glabrous, pale greyish to greyish-brown to nearly black, mostly paler near the base with deep furrows, the ribs sharp-edged, sometimes double-edged, irregular, anastomosing, the inside of the stipe with longitudinal chambers. Outer excipulum of angular to prismatic cells, 55-110 µm thick, the outermost cells clavate, hyaline or with brownish walls, 12-30 x 6-15 µm in size. Medulla (below hymenium) of intertwined hyphae, 225-350 µm thick, the hyphae 3-4 µm diam., sometimes mixed with broader deeply staining hyphae. Interascal tissue of unbranched paraphyses 4-7 µm diam., nearly hyaline or dark brownish. Asci 290-355 x 13-16 µm. Ascospores 15-19 x 9.5-12 µm in size.

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