Monday 28 November 2022

Hothfield searching unsuccessfully for the Great Grey Shrike

 One possible glimpse of the Shrike, but mainly fungi today. 

This is lumpy enough to be Phlebia, but a rather capped version, on a very decayed log.  Unlikely to be Phlebia radiata though I would have said. 

I think this could be Smoky Bracket, Bjerkandera adusta, and possibly a few Sulphur Tufts, Hypholoma fasciculare. (Note from February 2024, this could also be Bjerkandera fumosa)

This just MIGHT be very young Smoky Bracket, judging on its very white margins.

I think that this might be Stereum gausapatum, the Oak Curtain Crust. Abrasion caused some reddening on the left, mid-centre.

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