Saturday 7 November 2020

Tremella mesenterica

Walking through Fox Wood today a fallen thin branch by the side of the path showed the bright colours of a Tremella, Yellow Brain, a sight which eventually penetrated my brain sufficiently for me to pick the branch up. 

When closely examined I thought I did find a Peniophora quercina crust close by as well, suggesting the Yellow Brain is actually Tremella mesenterica, which feeds off Peniophora as opposed to Tremella aurantia which feeds off Stereum hirsutum. There are many, many more mesenterica records than aurantia records on the NBN gateway, so that seems to fit. Also, maybe aurantia occurs more in the warmer parts of Europe?

Much pinker by eye, as opposed to by camera flash.

Robins and a Wren in Fox Wood, two Blackbirds at the entrance.

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