Sunday 23 February 2020

Peniophora limitata and quercina perhaps

On the 22nd I found a crust that looked sufficiently like a rather decrepit version of Peniophora limitata for me to put it on the Fb page with a name, which Andy kindly agreed with. However it was on Oak wood (?) rather than Ash bark, so a little worrying there! |Importantly the margins did not lift.

On the 23rd I saw a crust on an overhanging oak branch above the Knight's Lodge path on the Beech compartment side. To me it looked thinner than the crust seen yesterday. There was much less blue-black staining, although the edges were turning up slightly showing the black under the edges and where the upper surface had apparently been lost there were patches of what looked like black under-surface material. The material was relatively well cracked with shallow cracks, not separating much, and I rather thought it was Peniophora quercina.

See the edges turning up, even if slightly, and the pattern of cracks.

Note the black underside exposed at the edges

The pattern may develop from individual patches.

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