Sunday 27 October 2019

Training Toby at Leybourne

I had a shortish look around some of the mined leaves.

Phyllonorycter rajella on both Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana (as pictured, on the underside of the leaf)

Phyllonorycter kellemanella = kleeemannella on Alnus glutinosa, one still with an active caterpillar.

Phyllonorycter stettinensis on Alnus glutinosa. The crease runs vertically up this photograph. The mine on the upperside of the leaf spills over a lateral vein.

Note how the brown discolouration has spread, but has not completely replaced the green. 

Fenusa dohrnii on Alnus glutinosa

Incurvaria pectinea on Alnus glutinosa

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