Sunday 24 February 2019

Dene Park on a sunny and warm February day

What a lovely few days, it really helps raise the spirits at this time of year when warm dry weather lasts for at least a few days!

I went down to the Alders, by the stream at the edge of the wood.

The first bird I saw was a Greater Spotted Woodpecker, but it was quickly away - too quick for a photograph.

This Blue Tit was searching the bark of an Alder tree, with the orange of the catkins forming a bit of a background to the photograph.

There were also Great Tits in the canopy - these seem to be commoner than the Blue Tits - or just louder or more visually obvious!

There wasn't much else in the woods today - lots of dog-walkers and families - but there were still Blackbirds and Robins, and of course Wood Pigeons overflying.

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