Thursday 26 April 2018

Botanising in Blean Village

This is a sort of revision for the practical walk we did earlier in the evening.

For example we looked a a couple of sedges. The first was the fairly common Hairy Sedge, Carex hirta, and the second was Grey Sedge, Carex divulsa,

Hairy Sedge, Carex hirta, has long sparse hairs on the edges

The Grey Sedge, Carex divulsa, was found in a hedge bottom along the pavement, on the way back close to the village hall. This has long narrow droopy dark green leaves in loose (dense, surely??) tussocks of many stems. The inflorescence is spaced out small clumps of nutlets, with a thin needle-like bract, which is shorter than the inflorescence as a whole.

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