Wednesday 4 May 2016

Wonderful Whimbrel at Oare

I think all the birds on the salt marsh seaward of the West Flood at Oare Marshes seemed to me to be Whimbrel, and certainly the pictures I took seemed to confirm this.

Here is a clear indication of the central white line along the middle of the crown.

This severe crop of the single bird on the sheep pasture does show a reasonable head stripe and typical Whimbrel beak shape. The overall bird shape is fairly in proportion.

I heard Cuckoos and a Water Rail squealing. Particularly interesting were the "Blehh" mating calls of Common Pochard flying in a group of four over the West Flood. Also very pleasant were the bubbling calls of Little Grebes, and the songs of Reed Bunting, together with multiple Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers. I was very pleased to get a good view of a Reed Warbler in the sallow seaward of the car park.

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