Wednesday 16 March 2016

Stratospheric warming makes Oare too cold for me!

A stiff cold breeze from the North East was whipping up the waves on The Swale, where dozens of Black-headed Gulls and at least two Mediterranean Gulls in summer plumage were bouncing about on the chop. There were hundreds of dark-bellied Brent Geeese on the far side of Horse Sands. About three dozen Common Redshanks were making the most of the foreshore mud, with one Curlew and one Shelduck down at the waters edge. They seemed to me to be in loose flocks with fairly even spacing between the individuals, moving quite fast, but I wasn't clear on overall patterns.

I tried to find birds out on The Swale, but my eyes kept on tearing up, and I could only find one Great Crested Grebe, in breeding plumage. So I copped out and went and explored the route to Conyer for future reference.

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