Monday 5 October 2015

Hartlake Bridge

I think it is now down to a tree by tree approach as far as identifying Willows goes! I will have to go back to individual trees time and time again over the year to check the seasonal features.

Here is a close-up of the bud on a yellow-shooted form of Crack Willow, tentatively identified as Salix x fragilis nothovar Basfordiana f. Basfordiana (scaling ex Salter) Stace also known as the Basford Willow, first discovered before 1870 in the nursery of Mr. William Scaling. The ID depends the assumption that this is the only yellow-shooted form of the Hybrid Crack Willow, produced it is thought by the original cross of the Hybrid Crack Willow, Salix x fragilis, with the highly colourede vitellina form of the White Willow, Salix alba, but of course this could prove false! However, it seems to be as close as most people will get, unless they are absolute experts, so it will have to do for me.

it is interesting to see the lenticels, the stipule scars, and the hairs on the stem close to the bud - protected from wind and abrasion?

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