Saturday 10 January 2015

Broadwater in January

It was very interesting to see the reserve at this time of year - quieter as far as birds insects and much of the rest of nature goes, but plenty of dog-walkers like myself, as always. The car park was nearly full when I arrived at lunchtime, and about two thirds full when I left at dusk.

A Goldcrest was quietly flicking about in the small Scots Pine along the straight track on the East Heath for several minutes. There was a possible chaffinch (maybe, on rough jizz) on a tree along the heath. A Robin was confidently perching on the branches in the dead hedge at the far section of this track. A Robin and a Blackbird were disturbed in in the sheltered valley to the East of the Decoy Pond (the track back from the straight track).

A hunting group of Tits in the woods beyond the Decoy Pond included Long-tailed Tits, a Coal Tit, Blue Tits (I think), and a little later a Goldcrest. Then there were two Blue Tits among the seed cones in the Alders a little further along.

The veteran oak was looking majestic. The tracks were very muddy - particularly the ones forbidden due to harvesting operations.

A pair of Buzzards. There were 4 or 5 Carrion Crows over the conifers.

The West Heath.

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