Tuesday 23 December 2014

Luscious Leybourne

I was at Leybourne by about 11:30 and did the usual circuit in very pleasant rather sunny conditions. It was really warm today, considering the time of year, not dropping below 10 degrees C all day according the Tonbridge weather site. Although the wind was quite a strong breeze at times, it was also possible to simultaneously feel the warmth of the sun, quite remarkable for the 23rd December, the second day after the winter solstice.

There was a slow start to the walk as far as birds went, but there were good numbers of Black-headed Gulls, Tufted Duck, Greylag Geese and Coots on The Ocean. A Green Woodpecker undulated over the hump of grass from the Pond-dipping Pond towards The Ocean, where a Blue Tit showed well. As I walked towards the northern end of Roaden Island Lake there was the sudden metallic blue flash of a Kingfisher flying rapidly along the ditch away from me, straight as a die as usual. In the near corner of Roaden Island Lake the small group of Canada Geese were there again.

Then as I got towards the southern end of the Railway Lake, there were Blackbirds and Redwings in the scrub to the East towards the Railway Line.  I got a very good view of one of the Redwings, seeing the cream and tan face stripes and the rich ochre underwing very clearly.

A good number of Pochard were seen together with the Tufted Duck and Coot on Abbey Meads. I also saw a Cormorant and a Great Crested Grebe on Brooklands, but no Common Gulls. There were no Goldfinches in the Alders and Willows by the factory today, and I certainly missed them. There was little along the path but there were good numbers of Herring Gulls on Larkfield Lake joining the Black-headed Gulls, Tufties and Coot.

Approaching the carpark there were probable Redwings and Great Tits in the tall dense scrub by the Rangers building.

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