Sunday 9 November 2014

The calm after the storm at Cliffe

Between about 12 and 4 pm, say 2 hours birdwatching and 2 hours walking.

Found, with help, a female or perhaps more likely an immature Scaup in amongst the many Tufted Duck on Elf Pool. Lots of other duck, with Pintail rather less obvious, and many more Pochard. Over 1200 Teal I was told, and very good numbers of Wigeon. Others included upending Shoveller, Mallard, one definite Gadwall, three Goldeneye, Clangula bucephala. Coot, a couple of Moorhen, perhaps a dozen Snipe seen temporarily flushed, about a dozen Black-tailed Godwit. Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe. Cormorant.

Many more Grey Plover today and I thought many more Dunlin as well - went off as I approached Flamingo. Avocets, Lapwings, a few Redshank, a couple of Curlew. I had seen quite a few Ringed Plover earlier. Great Black-backed Gulls, Herring Gulls, Black-headed Gulls. One Grey Heron and Little Egrets.

Possible Redwing, certainly Blackbirds, Long-tailed Tits.

Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl hunting. Possible Sparrowhawk.

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