Friday 10 October 2014

Down to the Mill

The footpath passes through a woodland which has been greatly opened up, leaving about 15 small to medium sized trees in the middle. Quite a few trees appear to have been felled earlier this year including some very large timber indeed, although the trees around the edge are much better off, having been left alone. There is nothing to stop a landowner felling trees although a Forestry Commission license may be needed. However why TMBC allowed the householder permission to build a large shed by the woodland to store simply huge amounts of equipment supposedly to "manage this woodland for the benefit of the ecology" is quite simply beyond me. What on earth could be the very special circumstances allowing TMBC to overturn the presumption against development in the Metropolitan Green Belt? They didn't seem to have had a clue about this preposterous application.

Linnets on the estuary bank, a kingfisher flying from the river up towards Style Place and a female kestrel on the wires by Victoria Road.

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