Wednesday 26 December 2012

Boxing Day on the Access Trail

Weak sunshine, and more importantly, no rain this morning allowed me to get Monty out on the Access Trail.

A small group of great and blue tits was in the Primary School section of the planted shaw, blackbirds in the undergrowth, black-headed gulls on Meadows, and two jays in the plum hedge between Court Mead and Rhubarb.

Several fieldfare were heard (and then seen along Victoria Lane), and a robin sang strongly by the three way corner. More tits, or the same ones, were found where MT 133 meets Victoria Lane, and then what I think were redpolls were both seen and heard on the alders planted by the Red Pond.

As we left two corvids chased what I thought was very likely a buzzard off to the North East. No photos today I am afraid, but a lovely walk nevertheless.

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