Sunday 23 October 2011

Cliffe pools

1 young(?) male kestrel, 70 avocets, 12 black(?)-tailed godwit, 40 redshank, 30 little grebe, 20 great crested grebe, 2 overflying cormorant (1 young), 50 lapwing, 30 starling, 40 herring gull, 5 lesser black-backed gull, 20 black-headed gulls, 130 coot, 1 grey heron, 7 little egret.

The Cliffe Pools RSPB reserve is becoming a favourite walk of mine, quite far out of my area, but so exciting to visit as there is always the likelihood of new birds to be seen, its a good long circular walk, interesting at all stages, and the reserve welcomes considerate dog owners and well-behaved dogs! Monty seems to find it very satisfying as well. I don't say things are perfect, Monty sometimes wanders off a bit, but things go well most of the time.

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