Had a nice walk around the near side of Dene Park, and found a few signs of fungi. Here is a rather variable crust, whitish but perhaps with yellow-greenish tinges. These really are almost impossible to identify without microscopy. Here the crust can look quite solidly consistent in places, less so on some edges.
This is the log in context,
This might perhaps be Turkey Tail, Trametes versicolor, but I forgot to look at the underside to check for the pores.
This on the other hand should be the Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum, in one of its slightly yellow form.
And this should be Snowy Disco, Lachnum virgineum, next to a more delicate looking crust, on the underside of a small log in the front Beech compartment.
This is some sort of tar spot, erupting through the bark of a small Birch log.