There were a lot of Wheat Stem Borer, Cephus pygmaeus, sheltering, and in one case mating, on the buttercups in the field margin of the wheat field. Not a major pest perhaps, but still likely to have an impact on the harvest.
I was very glad to see a female Platycheirus, perhaps P. scutatus, from the shape of the abdominal markings in the same field margin, along with a tiny Nomada, perhaps Nomada flavoguttata.
Geranium dissectum, Ranunculus acris, repens and bulbosa together with Ficaria were all seen. Filipendula, Hypericum maculatum (?), Green Field Speedwell, Veronica agrestis, Cocksfoot, Yorkshire Fog, Holcus lanata, there were a lot of Chaffinches, some Skylarks, and one Cuckoo.
I was very glad to see a female Platycheirus, perhaps P. scutatus, from the shape of the abdominal markings in the same field margin, along with a tiny Nomada, perhaps Nomada flavoguttata.
Geranium dissectum, Ranunculus acris, repens and bulbosa together with Ficaria were all seen. Filipendula, Hypericum maculatum (?), Green Field Speedwell, Veronica agrestis, Cocksfoot, Yorkshire Fog, Holcus lanata, there were a lot of Chaffinches, some Skylarks, and one Cuckoo.