Typically on a relatively small twig, microscopy needed to tie the species down any further.
Typically on a relatively small twig, microscopy needed to tie the species down any further.
This is a bit of a guess, its simply the limited number of whitish poroid resupinates on this host species, as well as the appearance of the pores, which superficially resemble some of the online images of older crusts that I have seen.
At Bod Petryal, Glocaenog Forest, Denbighshire. On a fallen conifer trunk, presumed to be Spruce, were a series of small thin caps, running along the trunk in loose tiers which turned out to be, almost certainly, Trichaptum abietinum. On closer examination the purple colours on the underside and edges of the caps were quite obvious, so on Spruce this is a very probable outcome. There are two other species of Trichaptum on conifers, but both are so rare in the UK that I am therefore discounting them, although T. fuscoviolaceum would be the next most likely.
At Bod Petryal, Glocaenog Forest.
I was very pleased to find this attractive semi-pileate fungus on a large felled Pine trunk to the south of the small lake. The tubes are pinkish, but they end in white pores. There are orange tinges as well, especially on the underside and in the flesh. This all points to Skeletocutis amorpha, a target of mine to find. There are surprisingly few records of it in Europe, including in the UK.
I think this is one of my favourite crusts, Steccherinum ochraceum, with its crowds of blunt(ish) "spikes" up to 1 mm or so tall on its quite distinctive salmon-coloured surface. These particular fruiting bodies appeared more brightly coloured than I have seen them before, so I couldn't resist posting. The initially obvious patch margins appear to start off beautifully white and fluffy but I think soon change to a discoloured slightly rind-like surface as they roll up away from the surface. The fruiting bodies can be easily separated from the wood substrate beneath, leaving little sign of the presumed mycelial structures beneath. I just sacrificed one small patch to test this, as it's said to be not that common, especially beyond our southeast corner of England. Multiple fruiting bodies along one small fallen oak branch, on my local PAWS site near Tonbridge today.